Selected Publications
Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas and Toshitake Asabuki (2021). Continual, "Continual General Chunking Problem and SyncMap", AAAI 2021. (Acceptance rate 19.8%)
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Jiawei Su*, Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas* and Kouichi Sakurai (2019). One pixel attack for fooling deep neural networks. IEEE Transactions of Evolutionary Computation. Accepted (In Press). (On the News: BBC News, The Register, Hacker News, among others).
(Impact Factor: 8.1).
*Authors with equal contribution
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Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas and Junichi Murata (2017), “Spectrum-Diverse Neuroevolution with Unified Neural Models”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Volume 28, Issue 8, 1759-1773
(Impact Factor: 7.9).
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Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas, Junichi Murata, Hirotaka Takano, Alexandre Claudio Botazzo Delbem (2015), “General Subpopulation Framework and Taming the Conflict Inside Populations”, Evolutionary computation 23 (1), 1-36
(Impact Factor: 3.80).
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✦Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas, Hirotaka Takano, Junichi Murata (2015), “Novelty-organizing team of classifiers in noisy and dynamic environments”. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2015, 2937-2944.
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Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas, Hirotaka Takano, Junichi Murata (2013), “Self organizing classifiers: first steps in structured evolutionary machine learning”, Evolutionary Intelligence 6 (2), 57-72. Download draft
Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas, Hirotaka Takano, Junichi Murata (2013), “Self organizing classifiers and niched fitness”. GECCO 2013, 1109-1116.
PhD Thesis
Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas (2016), Machine Learning and Optimization Algorithms Based on the Concept of Fitness Relativity, PhD Thesis.
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